As a China toy production, IEC 60950 sales country, toy quality is directly related to children's physical and mental health, and in the increasingly fierce international competition in the toy market, a direct impact on China's toy market at home and abroad open. Therefore "toy safety" has become an international hot topic, and countries some organizations have launched their own toys, and every year the content is constantly updated, for example: the national mandatory standards GB 6675-2003< national toy safety technical specification, the EU toy safety standard EN71, ASTMF963 toy safety standard, the U.S. consumer product safety improvement method of CPSIA, the Japan toy safety standard ST2002.
According to the various countries of the toy testing standards, POCE testing system has more professional, can execute test according to the following standards:
Electric toy testing
China—GB 19865
This standard is suitable for use in children under 14 years old with at least a function requires the use of electric toys.
America—ASTM F963 条款4.25
It is applicable for use in children under 14 years old with at least a function through the battery powered toys.
EU—EN 62115
This standard is suitable for use in children under 14 years old with at least a function requires the use of electric toys.
international—IEC 62115
This standard is suitable for use in children under 14 years old with at least a function requires the use of electric toys.